Wednesday, 04 December 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 120413


Inspirational thought:

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.



Strength WOD:

Thruster (20 minute cap)

Warm-up 8, 6, 4, gradually increasing weight, then

3 reps @ 65% 1RM

3 reps @ 75% 1RM

3+ reps @ 85% 1RM



Conditioning WOD:

“Til I Collapse”

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

10 Calories Rowed

8 Handstand Push-ups

6 Deadlifts (245/165)



Post Thruster experience, complete rounds and reps to comments


  1. 165# Thruster

    WOD: 4 Rds RX

  2. 3rd + 3 hspu
    123 DL

  3. 3 Rds +
    6 DL and 10 Cal Rowed
    DL 140#

  4. White Ape says

    5 reps at 210

    4 rds +3 DL Rx+
    I went in reverse: DL, HSPU, row
    Did 3 rds at 395, realized form was getting sloppy; dropped to 375, and got 1.5 more rds. That was heavy!!

  5. Balboa60 says

    5 reps @ 145

    4rds + row + 8hspu
    (mod: hspu on the tires & DL @ 235lbs)

  6. 123# 3 reps
    Did CFE 10x 30 sec on 30 sec rest row
    10x 30 sec o 30 sec off jump rope

  7. CWOD:
    5 rds + 2 calories RX

    Thrusters were a no go…my shoulders were…put a fork in them…DONE!

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