Saturday, 12 October 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 101213

Due to possible weather, meet and performing at the Health Zone.


MPCF presents:

“4th annual Burpee Mile”


Option 1: 3-5 person Team

Complete 1 mile of Burpee Broad Jumps, with one team member working at a time


Option 2: Partner

Complete 1/2 mile of Burpee Broad Jumps, with one partner working at a time


Option 3: Individual

Complete 1/4 mile of Burpee Broad Jumps



Post option and time to comments


  1. White Ape says

    Due to the track being slick, we will meet and WOD at the gym.

  2. Christian Steichen says


  3. White Ape says

    Team option:
    Danny, Robert, Jaime, Christian, me

    OHS 1RM
    40# PR!!

    Failed to get 245 locked out overhead. Def could get that weight in an OHS, shoulders just tired.

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