Monday, 24 June 2013



Just a reminder: Thursday night OPEN GYM is a fantastic time to come in & commit a solid hour to working skills/goals.


“Chuck Norris”


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Handstand Push-ups

7 Snatches (135/93)

Run 200m


Post total rounds and extra reps to comments


Compare to May 23, 2012


  1. says

    8 rounds
    AB matt HSPU
    43# snatches

  2. schumer says

    4 rds +2
    115# squat snatch

    Finally got kipping hspu down. The days of doing 1 or 2 hspu at a time are over!

  3. 5 Rds + 5 HSPU

  4. 8 rounds

    Toes on tires HSPU
    53# snatch
    200m run

  5. Chuck Norris doesn’t do push-ups, he pushes the ground down.
    6 rds + 5 HSPU Rx
    That was heavy

  6. Christian Steichen says

    5 rounds and 12 reps
    @ 115#

  7. beckyedwards says

    5 rounds, 12 reps rx

  8. Ethan Dennis says

    4 Rds+ HSPU and snatch

  9. Balboa60 says

    6rds + 5HSPU (feet on tires) + 7snatches + 15m run
    65# – Working on my squat snatches

  10. dscroggins says

    6 rounds plus the run. 95 lb. Snatch

  11. ErinFaith says

    Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
    PS I did 6 rds all rx hspu 😀 ( 47lbs snatches) now If I could just get those blasted snatches

  12. aragsdale says

    5Rds 12 Reps @ 125LBS

  13. Robert says

    6+8 95 pound snatch

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