Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Head’s Up: Thursday, May 30th, Open Gym @ 5:30pm is CANCELLED.

Sorry for any inconvenience!


“Almost Summer”

20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/50)

20 Overhead Squats (75/50)**

400m Run


3 rounds for time



Post time to comments


**Form focus on overhead squats**


  1. 19:17 I think

    40 sec on 20 off x4
    Row & burpees = 34

  2. schumer says

    16:05 Rx

    burpee/row tabata
    140 w/Robert

  3. Christian Steichen says

    90 w/ Becky

  4. White Ape says

    12:41 Rx+ (85#)

    Partnered with mike for row/burpees, 67 total.

  5. beckyedwards says

    13:42 rx (rx plus bc it was 53lb not 50…every pound counts)

    90 on burpee/row with Christian

  6. Robert says

    16:55 rx

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