Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Battle Over Red Lands WOD 2:


Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

Buy-in: 1000m Row


Max Rep Thrusters



Rx’d: Kettlebells (53/35)

Scaled: Dumbells (40/25)

40-49: Dumbells (40/25)

50+: Barbell (75/45)



Post total number of reps to comments


  1. 54 @ 45# bar

  2. 46 Reps
    25# Kettle Bells

    Ouch! That was tough on the forearms!

  3. says

    54 reps
    15# Kettle Bells 🙁

    20# Kettle Bells

  4. 32 reps RX
    Thanks for the pep talk coach! 🙂

  5. Becky! you look like a magazine cover!

  6. Ethan Dennis says

    25# KB

  7. Coach Jimmy says

    “Rooster” (games standard Burpees)
    9:06 Rx
    18 sec PR

  8. beckyedwards says

    “Rooster” 15:37 rx. Blah for DU!!!!!!

  9. 63
    35# KB???

  10. 11:20 rooster 1:10 better than the last time and that wasn’t games standard burpees! yay me

  11. 40 reps @ scaled weight 25# KBS

    Those were tough…I’m gonna have bruises on my forearms and shoulders from this one. My non CrossFit friends must think I get beat at home with all the bruises and whip marks :-/

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