Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Main WOD:

“Running Man Dance”


200 Singles

50 Sit-ups

150 Speed Skips

25 V-ups

100 Double Unders

25 Back Extensions

150 Speed Skips

50 Army Rowers

200 Singles


For Time



Post time to comments

Compare to 20 JUN 12





Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim


10 x 1 minute ALL OUT EFFORT, 1 minute rest


Post sport and max distance covered to comments




Mobility WOD:

Perform each of the following stretches for 2 min per side:

– Couch Stretch

– Single Leg Flexion

– Banded  Bully

– Banded Elbow Extension


Post experience to comments


  1. 14:11
    singles (try DU next time).

  2. Coach Jimmy says

    10:45 Rx PR!
    Main WOD with Becky, Jaime, Christine, Tracey and me
    Had Jaime chasing me the whole WOD! I think the new rope I got is an inch too short. I caught 5 times on the DU’s before getting 50!!! I then when to find my other rope and couldn’t, so I had to deal with what I had. Next time another PR!

    Becky, Jaime, Christine and I then did the Mobility WOD, and wow, that hurts! I can tell I have not been stretching properly for a while now.

    Becky, Jaime and I then did some muscle-up practicce.

    And finally, Becky and I did the row CFE, while doing a damper test simultaneously, 2816 total meters, 8 is my most efficent damper setting.

  3. 20 ish for main WOD
    Mobility WOD
    Yard work for 2 hrs
    Nap 1 hour.

  4. 11:31 rx almost a 1 min pr!!
    Worked on mobility WOD and muscle-ups as noted
    couldn’t hang for the cfe

  5. beckyedwards says

    16:something rx for the main wod. Telling myself I’m cool with the slow time bc finally, finally the du are happening!

    Mobility wod: yeah, my quads aren’t so flexible. Gotta work on that.

    MU practice: hahahahahaha

    CFE: can’t remember total distance rowed but 6.5 is my damper setting.

  6. csteichen@cox.net says

    12:05 RX
    mobility WOD was great.
    It was fun working out with Tracey, Becky, Jaime, and Jimmy @ 8:30. Fun WOD!

  7. Ethan Dennis says

    15:52 RX

  8. dscroggins says

    17:23 rx

  9. ErinFaith says

    I don’t remember my time …..but I did it :p

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