Tuesday, 21 August 2012

A couple of MP CrossFit “Fire Breathers”!

Main WOD:


30 Double Unders

20 Knees-2-Elbows

10 Handstand Push-ups


5 rounds for time


Post time to comments

Compare to 11 JAN 12





Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim


Run: 200m, rest 2 min; 400m, rest 3 min; 600m, rest 4 min; 400m rest 3 min; 200m, rest 2 min

Row: 250m, rest 2 min; 500m, rest 3 min; 750m, rest 4 min; 500m rest 3 min; 250m, rest 2 min

Bike: 600m, rest 2 min; 1200m, rest 3 min; 1800m, rest 4 min; 1200m rest 3 min; 600m, rest 2 min

Swim: 50m, rest 2 min; 100m, rest 3 min; 150m, rest 4 min; 100m rest 3 min; 50m, rest 2 min


For sprint time


Post sprint time to comments




Gymnastics WOD:


Hold right leg side split for total of 3 minutes

Hold left leg side split for total of 3 minutes

Hold right leg straddle, nose to knee, for 3 minutes

Hold left leg straddle, nose to knee, for 3 minutes

Hold center straddle, chest too floor, for 3 minutes


Post experience to comments


  1. CFE sprint ? (jog) time. 10.06

    Lola time. 13.06

  2. Christian Steichen says

    Nice picture Jimmy!
    7 mi run.

  3. 8:37 Run CFE

    9:20 MOD
    Army rowers on Bosu ball
    HSPU on 20″ box

  4. beckyedwards says

    Love this pic!

    Lola: 12:48 ?? I think! Mod: singles

    Sprint time: 9:?? My brain isn’t working today!!!

  5. Coach Jimmy says

    Lola – 10:26
    2:45 min PR!

    Run CFE – 6:15 sprint time

  6. Ethan Dennis says

    All rx except only 35 hspu

  7. 19:10 Rx PR by 3+ minutes

  8. ErinFaith says

    24:20 mod hspu

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