Friday, 06 July 2012

“Partners A & B”:

A: 10 Weighted Lunges (35/25)

B: AMRAP 1-arm Kettlebell Swings, right arm (35/20)


A: 5 Box Jumps (30/24)

B: AMRAP 1-arm Kettlebell Swings,Β left arm (35/20)


A: 10 Burpees

B: AMRAP Sumo Deadlift High-Pull w/ Kettlebell (35/20)


A: 15 Hang Power Cleans (45/30)

B: AMRAP Kettlebell Swings (35/20)


Rest 1 minute (Partner B totals all reps, then multiplies by 10)*


A: Rows the calculated number of B’s reps mutiplied by 10

B: AMRAP 10 Double Unders, 10 Abmat Sit-ups


Rest 2 minutes

…now switch roles!!


2 rounds for time

*No rest between the first 4 exercises. The first rest is the 1-min rest before the row.



Post total time and number of reps completed as the B partner to comments

Compare to 21 NOV 11


  1. 31.02 ish for Team Don and Susan

    The masters had a few mods due to our aching knees and shoulders. πŸ™‚

  2. RhondaG says

    31:48 Modified

    Partnerless this morning, I shadowed Don and Susan πŸ™‚

    My time is longer because I rowed 620 meters last round and !surprise! Don finished his row before me πŸ™‚ What a gift those long arms and legs are on the rowing machine!!

  3. 30:40 MOD – 20″ Box, the rest was Rx…that 24″ box was just too scary today πŸ™

    Partnered w/ Cameron, and we had fun! I was partner A at the beginning of each round.
    Rnd 1a: Cameron had 54 reps, so I rowed 540 meters in 2:12
    Rnd 1b: I also had 54 reps, so Cameron rowed 540 meters

    Rnd 2a: Cameron had 56 reps, so I rowed 560 meters in 2:19
    Rnd 2b: I had 61 reps, so Cameron rowed 610 meters

  4. beckyedwards says

    24:55 with Jimmy

    All rx except those awful double-unders! I think I heard my jump rope mocking me.
    Mod with singles.

    Rowed 540 first round
    Rowed 520 second round

    As partner B: 49 reps round 1, 50 reps round 2

    Fun WOD! See everyone in the morning!

    • Coach Jimmy says

      I rowed:
      490m 1st rd
      500m 2nd rd

      54 reps 1st rd
      52 reps 2nd rd

      Had exactly the same rounds and reps for the DU/SU:
      4 rd +14 reps in each

      Thanks for partnering Becky! And yes, I heard your jump rope too! πŸ˜‰

  5. Robert says


    1st Round:48 3 full rounds
    2nd round:54 3 +14 reps

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