Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Walking “Diane”

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Deadlifts (225/155)

Handstand Walking (in meters)*


For Time

*21 meters, 15 meters, and 9 meters


Post time to comments





Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim


10 x 90 seconds sprint, rest 60 seconds


Post total distance covered to comments



  1. beckyedwards says


    115# DL

    Shoulders are spent from Sat. Took a long time to hs walk today!

  2. Coach Jimmy says

    8:28 Rx

    Walking on the hands was harder than usual. Saturday and Monday WOD’s had me a little fatigued. 🙂

  3. 10:05 with MODS
    Sit ups instead of hand stand walk
    Between Sat. Monday and Tuesdays WOD I was barely able to dress myself or drive my car this morning!

  4. Robert says

    27:35 Rx–yeah short WOD–whatever….

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