Tuesday, 20 December 2011


21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Overhead Squats (95/65)

For Time

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Compare to 21 DEC 10

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

Run: 7 x 200m, rest 2 min
Row: 7 x 250m, rest 2 min
Bike: 7 x 800m, rest 2 min
Swim: 50m/yd, rest 2 min

Post sport a total sprint time to comments


  1. 0630 class will meet in the gym, and will be doing "Annie".

  2. Did the 0630 WOD Annie
    8:37 RX
    I think this is a 1:02 PR, down from 9:39 in April 2011

  3. 4:01 Rx
    3 sec PR! Not much, but PR just the same!!

  4. 7:47 Rx

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