Monday, 07 November 2011


500m Row

40 Squats

30 Sit-ups

20 Push-ups

10 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 MAY 11


  1. christine says

    Almost RX
    Last 4 PLU's with 1/2"band 🙁

  2. 5:01 RX

  3. Rhonda G says

    5:15 RX

    15 seconds slower than last baseline. 🙁

  4. Ethan Dennis says

    6:13 MOD

  5. 5:13 Rx plus weighted vest

  6. Finally, my favorite…baseline…the 40th parallel! 8:39 with lots of MODS. Thanks Jimmy for encouragement on the jumping pull-up! Now that's progress!

  7. 4:32 RX plus 20 pound vest.

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