Tuesday, 31 May 2011

300 Double Unders
For Time

Post time to comments
Compare to 08 FEB 10

Choose a Sport:
Run, Row, Bike, or Swim
20 x 40 sec on, 20 sec off
Post total distance covered to comments


  1. Michel says

    Morning after Trevor and 300 DU. Riiggghhht. My 900 singles time was longer than my 1200 singles time in Feb. Thanks Mel for joining me for Pee Wee Griff. Good day to run backwards!

  2. Robert says

    6:47 Rx my arms were still around Trevor.

  3. Rhonda G says

    11:10 RX
    Slowwww!! But…not as slow as last time!! 3:55 minute improvement from February.

  4. 7:40 very sore today

  5. 6:17 Rx

  6. 5:05 rx
    mile run after:9:42

  7. Brandy says

    13:51 singles

    Almost ready to try double unders!

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