Tuesday, 26 April 2011

75 Double Unders

25 Box Jumps (20″)

4 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

5 x 4 min intervals, rest 2 minutes between each

Post total sprint time to comments


  1. 18.20
    singles and 16" box

    Go outside and enjoy the sun today!

  2. 12:41
    Speed skips
    17" box
    So great to be back!!

  3. Rhonda G says

    19:42 RX
    UGH!! My double unders were ugly-er than usual! I need to practice.

    Susan, I wish I could…work, work, work..!!

  4. Enjoyed a LaFortune 5k today and the sun….
    I am so s-l-o-w….

  5. 14:00 RX.
    Great job everybody, but a special shout out to Lesley for Rx'd double unders. Woohoo!

  6. 12:55 Rx—great work Lesley on the first 300 DU WOD Rx.

  7. 20:56
    Singles 225
    17" box

    Box jumps are my nemeisis ! Hate them 🙁 good job Amber and Alice!

  8. 12:24 rx

  9. Melanie said…

    15:23/speed skips/18" box

    YAY Lesley!!! Great job everyone!!! 🙂

  10. 12:08 rx

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