Tuesday, 21 September 2010


5 Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Burpees

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 01 May 10

CFE WOD (3+ hours before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

16 rounds of:
10 seconds on, 20 seconds off


Post total distance covered to comments


  1. Melanie said…

    7:13/135 lb

    Great job everybody!!!

  2. sub 9 @ 155#

  3. 7:38 rx. Blast you, Deadlifts!!!!

  4. 8:29
    95 lb

  5. 16:12 RX

  6. 7:10, 95 lbs.

  7. 5:17 rx, Good work tonight ladies.

  8. 12:04 Rx weight but incomplete ROM on the deadlifts–so modified but coming along.

  9. Stacy says……
    6:56 rx…not as good as last time so my excuse is that my hands still hurt LOL. Great job Amber!! Way to kick all of our butts!!

  10. 3:55 RX PR!!

    I finally broke 4 min!!!

    Congratz to all the PR's today! Awesome job Amber!

  11. 8:22
    95 lb
    PR 2:34

    Did this back when I first started Crossfit and my time was 10:56 with 50lb!! So proud I have a PR finally!!

  12. 7 something. I think it was 7:14
    125 lbs
    December 28th was 8:21 with 125
    PR by more than a minute! whoo whoo whoo


  14. 8.50 mile run this mornin (1:33) eek
    5:46 rx PR!! WhooHoo!!! Great job today evenin ladies 🙂

  15. Correction, time as 8:04 so my PR was only by 17 sec…

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