Monday, 17 May 2021



Partner WOD

7-minute AMRAP* of (alternating rounds):

10/8 Calories biked

7 Strict pull-ups

…Rest 3-minutes, then…

7-minute AMRAP of (alternating rounds):

10/8 Calories biked

7 Push-ups

…Rest 3-minutes, then…

7-minute AMRAP of (alternating rounds):

10/8 Calories biked

15 Squats


For score(s)

*All performed with a (20/14) vest, if available


…Rest/warm-up 10-minutes, then…


Clean & Jerk (155/103)

Max reps* in 3:00 for partner teams

*Only one team member can be performing work at a time. If separate bars are used, non-working partner cannot touch their bar until working partner’s bar is on the ground.



Post results and experiences


  1. sflynn says

    Team Seems Legit 388 (Sarah Rx Christa Kipping PLU)
    25 Rx

    So. Much. Fun!!!
    ❤️ lifting with my Christa sista!

  2. White Ape says

    Partnered with Kile
    109 Rx+
    142 Rx+
    160 Rx+
    411 total

    26 reps Ape at Rx, Kile at 135

    Bike to squats bested sucked!!

  3. Wade Bietz says

    Wade/Henry 117,153,184… 454, rx
    Max can, jrk, 155…..33rep

  4. Michelle Milstead says

    Partnered with Matt

    CWOD 332 (Modified PLU and PU)
    SWOD 34 (53#)

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