Friday, 16 April 2021


E2MOM for 10 Minutes:

Row 12/9 cals

9 Sumo deadlift high pull (75/53)

7 Front squats (75/53)

5 Kettlebell swings (72/53)


For score



1-rep max Clean


For max load

Compare to Wednesday, 15 January 2020



Post results and experience to comments


  1. Henry Smith says

    Cwod- finished first 2 rounds. Close on round 4. Not as close on round 3 and 5.

    Swod- wasn’t feeling it today. 255#.

  2. megancyork says

    CEO’s finished round 1-3 got through squats on 4 and 5

    160# clean
    Tried for 165 but I need to drop under fast. Strong 10# PR

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