Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd.

Friend Friday is this week! Start asking your friends!



MPCF Presents:

“Pick a Board WOD”

Take this opportunity to tackle a MP Board WOD that has been haunting or teasing you.



Post results and experience to comments


  1. Talia Prideaux says

    Plu progression

  2. Henry Smith says

    12:01 – did first set of 50 DUs unbroken, which is a pr for me. I wanted to keep going to see how high of a pr I could get, but the second I had that thought I tripped on 51. Lol. Next two sets of DUs were not as pretty. Also, need to do way more sittups. Those got slow way to fast.

  3. Randy 6:53
    I want to say this is the first time I’ve done Randy rx’d, I’m pretty happy with that time. I got slow in the last 10, need to work on bigger sets in connected lifts like that. 75 is A LOT of reps, woof!

  4. Michelle Milstead says

    Burpees over Bar

    86 in 7:00 (stepped up on all burpees)

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