Wednesday, 04 November 2020

2013 Flashback!


4 Strict Pull-up + 5 sec hold with chin over bar

1:00 Rest


5 Sets



Every minute on the minute:

Minute 1: 10 Toes to bar

Minute 2: 8 D-Ball cleans (100/80)

Minute 3: 6 Double dumbbell box step overs (50/35)@(20″)

Minute 4: 4 Perfect push-ups

Minute 5: 2 Strict handstand push-ups

Minute 6: Rest


3 Rounds



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. This setup was a great way to practice techniques in movements.
    Strong work noon class!

  2. Fran 5:39 Rx
    T- 15/6 PLU-3s-2s
    T-15 PLU 2s, maybe some 1s?
    T – 9 PLU- 1s, maybe some 2s. IDK getting real dark in that cave. LOL

  3. I loved this WOD great way to practice different movements.
    I did Rx everything
    2nd round only got 7 D-ball cleans in the minute
    3rd round got better technique on D-ball cleans (thanks coach Sarah) and got all 8 with a few seconds to spare
    Strict HSPU felt good
    T2b unbroken all 3 rounds

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