Wednesday, 26 February 2020



Partner WOD*

“Mean Gene”

80 Calories Rowed

80 Push Press (95/63)

80 Pull-ups

80 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) @ 2m

80 Burpees

80 Deadlifts (185/123)

80 Calories Biked


For Time

Compare to Friday, 22 February 2019

*Equal work. One at a time working.



Side Straddle

Middle Straddle

Pike Stretch


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 24



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. White Ape says

    Kile and the Ape
    31:24 Rx
    First time Rx for Kile.

  2. Henry Smith says

    Smith brothers
    28:10 mod

    My back is still tight so we dropped the push press to 75 and the deadlift to 95.

    Matt modified the Pull ups to ring rows.

  3. RhondaMomma says

    36:24 MRX
    Katie – Toes to rings for plu

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