Friday, 07 February 2020



Partner WOD

Complete as many rounds* and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand push-ups

6 Kettlebell swings (72/53)


For score

*Partners alternate complete rounds



Reclined spinal twist

Saddle sit

Elevated cat


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 5*

*See Day 1 for rules




Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Partner w/ Daniel
    322 mod 35# KB some dips Rx mostly purple band

  2. White Ape says

    “Wape” (Wade and Ape)
    391 Reps
    First 11 rounds RX. After that, Wade had to modify HSPU. Decided he needs to work on kipping so he doesn’t have to do strict HSPU. All MU’s were on the bar

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