Friday, 10 January 2020

Sign up if you plan to participate in the MP competition the Saturday, 0900-1400’ish.


General Warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Run 200/Row 250

8 Spiders

7 T-Push-ups

8 V-ups

7 Deep squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski 12/8 calories

20m Farmers carry

40 second D-ball rock

10 KB swings



200m Row*

For Time

*All out effort



“Sally’s surprise”

AMCAP in 30-minutes* on:

Bike, Rower, and/or Ski erg


For score

*Whenever you hear the “Flower” song (“sally up”), stop AMCAP, and perform one of the following (Coach will decide): Push-ups, Leg Raises, Air Squats, or High/Low Planks. Upon, completion of song, resume AMCAP. Athlete can change apparatus or maintain the same after each time the song plays.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. 200m row: 40.2sec
    Wod ✅
    Whoa. Just whoa.

  2. OH MY CORE!!
    Row 39.3
    I didn’t keep track of cals. Went super slow so I won’t die (as much) tomorrow.

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