Tuesday, 26 November 2019



Run 200m

rest 2:00*

Run 400m

rest 2:00

Run 600m

rest 2:00

Run 800m

rest 2:00

Run 600m

rest 2:00

Run 400m

rest 2:00

Run 200m


For total sprint time

(total time – 12:00 of rest)

*During each of the “rest” periods, perform either 5 strict or 7 kipping handstand push-ups



Couch stretch

Left split

Right split


Twisted cross

Shoulder fold



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Henry Smith says

    30:40 – strict hspu using ab mat

  2. 15:52 sprint time Rx (kipping)

  3. 17:35 Rx kipping HSPU
    All HSPU unbroken

  4. 19:12 Mod- 7 strict HSPU on 30” box.
    That running felt GREAT!!

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