Monday, 16 September 2019

Register for the 2020 CrossFit Games Open, Click HERE



“Down and back”

8oom Run

30 Handstand push-ups

30 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)

30 Box overs (24/20″)

30 Power cleans (185/125)

30 Box overs

30 Dumbbell Thrusters

30 Handstand push-ups

800m Run


For time



Side straddle

Middle straddle

Pike sit

Reclined spinal twist



Post result and experiences to comments


  1. cap +67 Rx

  2. 28:50, 98# clean
    Wowsers on the shoulders! Great WOD. Next time try heavier on cleans.

  3. 27:50 Rx
    Yikes! The shoulders were toast! Great WOD!

  4. 14 HSPU @ cap
    Mod 93# cleans ~69%
    Wow!!!! That was awful

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