Wednesday, 26 June 2019



Take 8:00 to work up to a heavy/max:

3-rep max Shoulder press


rest 2:00, then…


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15:00 of:

250m Row

20 Squats

15 Sit-ups

10 Push-ups

5 Pull-ups


For score


rest 4:00, then…


Take 8:00 to work up to a heavy/max:

3-rep max Front squat



Couch stretch

Reclined spinal twist

Pike stretch

Overhead distraction



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. sflynn says

    68#, 354, 103# (stopped FS early. Legs smoked)

  2. 73# (90%), 299 Rx (finishing 5th round), 113# (68%)

  3. Daniel says

    145# for 80% SP
    268 RX
    200# for 81% FSQ

  4. Legs haven’t been this sore in a while.
    85# (87%), 290 Rx, 153# (85%-got 2 reps at 163 but legs were toast). Think I could definitely do more on a day I’m not so sore.

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