Saturday, 27 April 2019



Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial WOD

“The Oklahoma Standard”

In teams of 3-4, perform 4 rounds of:

19 Synchro Plate lunges (45/35)

19 Synchro push-ups

95 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)


171 Burpee box jumps (20″)


For time


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 84



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Teamed up with Sarah, Burris and Ape
    30:03 Rx
    Worked on OHS new PR 103#

  2. RhondaMomma says

    Shadowed Norka
    Mod lunges @ 25#
    NTS next time do 35#

    I am now Burpee current.. sooo many more to go

  3. Teamed up with Liliana, Patrice, and Justin. I believe we finished at 58:07? Forgot to write it down, so it could have been less than that but I think it is correct. I used a 25# plate, 10# wall ball, knee push-ups, stepped the 20″ box. This was a great team WOD, would love to be able to do this RX’d next year.

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