Saturday, 19 January 2019



Partner WOD

Row 1000m

30 Power Snatches (95/63)

40 Alternating Pistols

Bike 1200m

40 Shoulder to Overhead (95/63)

50 Army T-Pushups

Row 800m

50 Box Overs (24/20″)

60 Abmat Butterfly Sit-up

Bike 800m

60 Weighted Walking Lunges (45/35)

140 Double Unders


For Time



Find complex 1-rep max*

3 Deadlifts ⇒ 2 Power Clean ⇒ 1 Hang Squat Clean


For max load

*Cannot let go of bar throughout the complex.



Right Side Straddle

Left Side Straddle

Middle Straddle




Post time, max load, and experiences to comments


  1. darrenandtara says

    Literally laughing and judging my burpee technique. Seriously considering joining pilaties.

  2. 29:56 with Madison
    103# each.

  3. 31:11 w/ Rhonda
    Practiced t2b and rope climbs
    Thanks Sarah for your help ❤️

  4. 27:10 Rx with Coach
    103# on complex.
    Fun times!

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