Monday, 16 July 2018


Congrats to Sarah Flynn-CFL1, Christian Steichen-CFL2 (awaiting new certificate), and Michael Such-USAW Lvl 1!



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

10 Wall-Balls (25/16) @ (10/9′)

20 Double Unders

…rest 2 minutes, then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

10 Calories Biked

20 Sit-ups

…rest 2 minutes, then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

10 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)

20m Burpee Broad Jumps*


For Score

*Every 5′ covered is worth one rep



Make-up a Lift

1-rep max

For max load




5 @ 50%

4 @ 60%

4 @ 65%

3 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

2 @ 85%


For quality



20 PVC Passovers

T-spine mobility – 2:00

10 Skin-the-Cats

Hip Capsule – 1:30/side



Post lift, load, time, and experiences to comments


  1. sflynn says

    Back squat 170#, 5# PR. Was pretty easy, but wanted to take it easy on my back.

  2. CWOD: 236 Rx

    SWOD: 235 Hang Power Clean (5 lbs PR)

  3. Mr. Such says

    CWOD ✅

    SWOD: 1RM Thruster



    Wasn’t feelin it today. All done with 1RM. Time to start working with new percentages.

  4. CourtnieMcKone says

    CWOD: did it

    SWOD: 155# hpc

  5. Daniel says

    CWOD done rx
    SWOD worked deadlift up to 270# for 85%

  6. CWOD: 200 Rx
    SWOD: C&J stupid 135 again. Time to go back to basics.

  7. Cwod: 167
    Swod: hang power clean 1RM
    105# (17# PR)

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