Saturday, 30 June 2018



Partner WOD

200m Run

20 Sit-up Slammers (16/12) @ 2m

20 Shoulder Touches

150m Run

15 Goblet Squats (72/53)

15 Burpees-Over-Bar

100m Run

10 One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat (50/35)

10 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups


4 rounds for time

(25:00 cap)

Compare to Saturday, 29 July 2017





@ 45-55-65-70-75-80-85-90% 1RM


For Quality






Post time, load, and experiences to comments



  1. Daniel says

    26:14 rx
    Partner with Brad, he got ill in the last round which threw our time off a little bit. I think we shoulda been sub 25. Even for a partner WOD that one was spicy!

  2. Partner w/ Christa 30:33 i think??? Those burpees and shoulder touches woow!!
    Worked on snatch form, t2b and handstands
    Very productive day

    • Christa says

      You got the time right Norka! Fun partnering with you!
      Super happy with snatch form improvement today…felt good. Worked up to 73# (just over 90%). Thanks Jaime for the help!

  3. allylegg says

    28:52 rx with Court! Shoulder touches and C2B felt strong. DB OHS took a min to get back into
    SWOD: worked up to 80# (about 80% 1RM) and accessory work w coach Such ✅

  4. Mr. Such says

    CWOD w/ Christian:

    30:18 Rx w/ 20# medball (i think that times right)

    SWOD: Snatch

    Built up to 235# 94%

    Excited for what’s coming!

  5. White Ape says

    Partnered with Burris
    31:02 Rx except Burris mod Shoulder touches

    worked up through 185, working on wider grip. stop due to elbow starting to talk to me. Wider grip felt awkward, but getting a little better with turn over. worked through 225 with snatch pulls.

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