Monday, 27 November 2017



Partner WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

4 Strict Pull-ups

10/8 Calories Rowed

8 Goblet Squats (70/53)

10/8 Calories Biked

12 Sit-ups


For Score



Hang Power Clean

1-rep max

Compare to Wednesday, 31 May 2017



Revolved Seated Staff – 1:00/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side

Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side

Plow – 2:00



Post score, max load, and experiences to comments


  1. 187 with Rhonda; me Rx Rhonda mod 45# KB
    SWOD: 130#, 10# PR!

  2. 70# hang power clean

  3. RhondaMomma says

    CWOD: What SuperGirl said above. I’m not even sure how to hang on to that 53# KB 🙂

    SWOD: 110# – 7 lb increase but still not my PR.

  4. CWOD: 165 w/ Patrice – i modded to a 45# KB.
    SWOD: 123#, 23# PR

  5. darrenandtara says

    CWOD Team Tarren. Rx’ed 4+4 reps
    Swod. 220 non-starfish. 240 starfish. PR.

  6. White Ape says

    Team Jammy w/ Manny shadow
    259 Reps Rx

    Tied PR so can’t be too upset. Didn’t “feel it” today. Right forearm tweaked somehow and affecting grip.
    Tried 300# four times. Slow and stopped elbows every time.

    • CWOD: What Jimmy Said
      SWOD: DNF
      had to leave to pick up the kiddo and I was off today, not sure I would have been successful hitting my old PR or not. Slow elbows, and no triple extension….

  7. CWOD partner with Norka 192 rx for me.
    SWOD 190# for 10# pr

  8. CWOD partner with Courtnie
    200. Bradley rx. Court mod strict plu with blue and red band

    Court: 145#, no pr
    Bradley: 180#, 2# pr

  9. Partnered w muffin man no idea on reps
    140 hpc 2# increase no PR

  10. Shadowed Jimmy & Jana
    259 Rx

    SWOD: 230 lbs (5 lbs PR)

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