Saturday, 04 November 2017

Coming together as the MP family to celebrate the upcoming birth of Emory James to Grant and Kelsey Wilkins! Join us after the WOD at Jana’s house for “Diapers and Donuts”.



“Two become one”


Max rep Box Overs (24/20″) in 2:00

For score


…rest 2:00, then…

Partner up**

2 rounds of:

9 Calories Biked

12 Deadlifts (225/155)

15 Knee Push-ups


…rest 3:00, then…

“And baby makes three!”

3-person Team***

3 rounds of:


36 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

36 Thrusters (95/63)


36 Partner Hold Sit-up

“Don’t drop the baby”

36 Med-ball Cleans (20/14)


For Time

*Masters and pregnant ladies step-ups are allowed.

**Alternate exercises

***Equal work at each station, each round.



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Center Straddle – 2:00

Overhead Distraction – 1:30/side



Post score, overall time, and experiences to comments


  1. Love the wedding collage!

  2. Box overs: 52
    S&M: 2:29 Rx
    S&M&LittleJohn: 19:02 (S&M Rx)
    Fun Saturday celebrating Baby Wilkins!

  3. Mr. Such says

    Box Overs: 28*

    CWOD 1: 2:20 Rx w/ V (I think that’s right)

    CWOD 2: 14:16 Rx w/ Jamie and Tara

    *jamie had a little spill. Stopped to make sure she was ok. According to the laughter she had I think she’s ok.

  4. Box Overs- 51
    Bjs + CWOD 1+2 (and rests) (with AL & Christa)= total of like 33 minutes I think…Rx

    Rough but fun workout!

  5. Yeah I’m ok. Almost did a face plant. Went to step ups after that and lost count.
    Partnered w Christa time??
    Three wayed it with such and Tara.
    Consensus is that time on that part was 14:16
    Really Becca !! Bjs

  6. beckysuch says

    Fun class! Thanks everyone!!

  7. 37 Box stepovers on a tiny 12” Box because of my bum ankle.
    Partnered with Grant for part 2: 2:46, mod 113# sumo DL
    Added Gene for part 3: 17:58 counting break (was longer than 3 minutes due to “technical difficulties”). Mod: 25# DBS, SU with abmat for me; 45# thrusters and 12# WB Cleans for gene.
    Total time: 30:58

    We had so much fun today and are so thankful for all of you!

  8. 56 box jump overs

    2:30? Partnered with Tara
    I scaled DL with red band good mornings

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