Monday, 02 October 2017

Friday night class is canceled this week. All other classes on Friday are normal.



Complete as many rounds as possible in 10-minutes of:

3 Burpee-Box-Overs

3 Deadlifts (225/155)

6 Burpee-Box-Overs

6 Deadlifts

9 Burpee-Box-Overs

9 Deadlifts

…Etc, adding 3 reps to each exercise every round


For Score


…Rest 10:00, then with a running clock…

0:00-2:00 Max rep Handstand Push-ups

2:00-4:00 Rest

4:00-6:00 Double Unders

6:00-8:00 Rest

8:00-10:00 1-rep Max Squat


For Score



Low Dragon – 2:00/side

Elevated Cat – 2:00

Reclined Spinal Twist – 2:00/side



Post scores and experiences to comments


  1. Wod 1 64
    Wod 2 325
    Total 389

  2. Partnered w/ Allyson for:

    Team Series 2017 Event 6: 21 Rx

    Team Series 2017 Event 7: 758 Rx

    Team Series 2017 Event 8: 17:33 Scaled

    Team Series 2017 Event 5: 87 Rx

    Great job Allyson! Official registered on the CrossFit website and finished her first comp!

  3. 100 reps, 143#
    16 HSPU
    100 DU
    143# BS

  4. White Ape says

    Part 1:
    127 reps Rx
    Worked on controlled pace, constant movement.

    Part 2:
    33 HSPU
    171 DU’s
    385 BSQ – has been a while since doing heavy BSQ on my knee. Didn’t use knee wraps and felt good under weight. Still not fully confident with knee under PR loads though. Soon!
    589 total score

  5. 10 min AMRAP-
    finished the rounds of 18 @123#
    Just wanted to move and get my heart rate up a little…CHECK

  6. Went very easy today- Body feeling a bit fatigued from my half marathon Saturday.
    Part 1: 66 reps scaled weight (103), box step ups
    Part 2: 23+90, skipped BSQ.

  7. AMRAP 87 scaled
    HSPU 27 unbroken 33 total
    DU 96
    BSQ 248#

  8. darrenandtara says

    WOD 1 – into round of 21 – 130 Rx
    WOD 2 – 17, 167 and worked up to 85% on BS

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