Monday, 26 June 2017


Partner WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

2 Strict Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

6 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)

8 Front Squats (95/63)

10 Calories Rowed


For Score




1-rep max

Compare to Wednesday, 21 December 2016



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Supine Shoulder Stretch – 1:30

Olympic Wall Squat – 1:30

Sink Mobilization – 1:30



Post score, max load, and experiences to comments


  1. schumer says

    6 rds +24 (204) Rx


  2. sflynn says

    179 w/ Katie, 55# FS, but first time I’ve used 53# KB, banded C2B
    SWOD: 110#, 5#PR

  3. bdub22 says

    CWOD: 6.5 rounds (finished KB swings into the 7th) – did with JB – 45# FS, 45# KB, banded C2B
    SWOD: 102#, 14# PR

  4. Daniel says

    CWOD 296 partner with Ape, I scaled with 62# kb
    SWOD 180# for a 10# pr

  5. CWOD: 170 with Patrice. My mods: blue banded strict c2b, 53# FS, 45#KB. Dang tailbone pain.
    SWOD: 123# (no PR)

  6. White Ape says

    What Daniel said

    5# PR
    I tried 275, but I was done for the evening. 270 felt good!

    Lots of PR’s today!! Strong work MP!!

  7. Cwod: check
    SWOD:145 down 8 #’s

  8. CWOD: Gardner team 200
    140# on thruster. No PR but a solid lift

  9. CWOD: 150 in about 9 mins
    KB PU instead of KB Swings
    70 lbs sandbag BSQ instead of FSQ

    SWOD: Wrist is better than last week but not able to handle the heavier weights. Stopped after 75%.

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