Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Games WOD competition will be performed on Saturday. The night class on Friday will have the option to perform. Please sign-up if you are planning on attending the Friday and/or competition on Saturday. There will be a sign-up sheet at the gym starting Wednesday.


Partner WODs

“O’ Happy Tuesday”

WOD 1:

12:00 Cap

2K Row or 1-mile Run

Max Rep Burpees


As a team, row 2000 meters or run 1-mile. Then perform as many Burpees in the remaining time as possible. Only one partner working at a time, on the row/run and burpees. Equal work required on row/run only. Total Burpees is Score.


…Rest 10:00



As a team, every minute on the minute, one partner performs squat snatches, then on the next minute partner two performs the same at the following intervals:

5 Squat snatches at 60% 1RM*

4 Squat snatches at 70%*

3 Squat snatches at 80%*

2 Squat snatches at 85%*

1+ Squat snatches at 90%


For quality of movement

*If you miss a lift, do not redo. Make note of any missed lift



Right Side Straddle – 1:30

Left Side Straddle – 1:30

Middle Straddle – 1:30

Right Leg Split – 1:30

Left Leg Split – 1:30

Middle Splits – 1:30


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 45



Post time, burpees, and experiences to comments


  1. RhondaG says

    Team Robert/Rhonda
    94 O’ Happy Burpees

    Snatch –
    Rhonda = 14
    Robert = 14 (I think)

  2. Shadowed Lil John and Brent 1600m finished at 6 minutes, did 60 partner burpees total in sets of 5. Partnered with Becky on SWOD 5@75, 4@85, 2@95 due to 1 drop, 3@110.

  3. Little John says

    Partner with Brent (Daniel shadowed Brent)
    CWOD: sprinted 200s
    Score: 80 burpees

    Lift: 105 x 3 last set

  4. Partnered with Tara. We both wore our 14# weighted vests for run and most burpees.
    6:37 mile
    90 burpees

    I had two failed reps at 80% and 85%, 5 reps at 90% for a total of 17 reps.
    Tara had two failed reps and got 2 reps at 90% for a total of 15 reps.
    Total team reps = 32

  5. CWOD: 81 Rx
    Partnered with Norka
    Broken up in 200m segments

    SWOD: Bench Press
    Worked up to 195 lbs (90%) 3 sets of 2.

    Back is still fried from 17.4…

  6. Muffin Man says

    CWOD: 82 Burpees Rx+ (25.6# vest) w/ Mr. Such
    SWOD: MM: 16, 2@90% (165#) no missed reps until 3rd rep at 90%
    Mr. Such: 16, 2@90% (195#)

  7. Mr. Such says

    Teamed up with Muffin Man

    1RM Snatch: #225

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