Saturday, 24 December 2016

Class on Monday is at 0900. All other classes on Monday are cancelled. 



“Very Merry Christmas”

6-person Team (3 male, 3 female)

Part 1:

10 Inch-Worm Push-ups*

…then 3 females perform remainder of 10:00 AMRAP** of:

30 Overhead Squats (95/65)

40 Pull-ups

50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/25)

60 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

…while females perform AMRAP, males perform:

Max Calories Rowed

…now rotate, and perform 10 minutes more


Part 2:

8 minutes after completion of Part 1, the team has 16 minutes to find:

(00:00-05:00) 2-rep max Hang Power Snatch (1 male & 1 female)

(05:30-10:30) 3-rep max Hang Squat Clean (1 male & 1 female)

(11:00-16:00) 4-rep max Deadlift (1 male & 1 female)


For Scores

Compare to Wednesday, 23 December 2015


Part 1:

Total team AMRAP reps (female reps + male reps)

Total Team Calories Rowed

Part 2:

Total weight successfully lifted

*Create a inch-worm by laying on your stomach, team in a straight line with one athlete behind the other. Athlete in front places their legs on the back of the athlete behind them. Once all 6 teammates are linked, begin performing push-ups in unison. Perform these 20 at the beginning of both 10 minute AMRAP’s.

**One athlete at a time working. Partition reps as needed, equal work not required. Complete all of one exercise before moving to next.



Post scores and experiences to comments


  1. White Ape says

    Teamed with Such’s, Mundell’s, and Mama Court
    Part 1:
    229/248 = 477
    207/124 = 331

    Part 2:
    Becky: 90 HPS x 2
    Court: 135 HSC x 3
    Tara: 195 DL x 4
    Darren: 155 HPS x 2
    Such: 235 HSC x 3
    Ape: 475 DL x 4

    Total lifted: 1,285

    Good WOD. Shoulders are smoked from this week. Merry Christmas to everyone.

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