Tuesday, 09 December 2014

MP CrossFit Tulsa 120914

“Five Golden Rings”



Practice 10 minutes on:

Pistol Progression 1

Pistol Progression 2

Pistol Progression 3

Pistol Progression 4


For Quality




“King Kong”

1 Deadlift (455/303)

2 Muscle-ups

3 Cleans (250/163)

4 Handstand Push-ups


3 rounds for time




Side Straddle stretch – 1:00/side

Center Straddle – 1:00

T-Spine Smash – 2:00


2 rounds for quality



Post Load, Time, and Experiences to comments


  1. 80# clean
    135# deadlift
    muscle up mod= 4 strict banded PLu/4 ring dips
    24″ box HSPU

    3 rounds 5:39
    10 min AMRAP 6 rds + 2 reps

  2. Balboa60 says

    325# Deadlift (~92% 1RM)
    MU Mod: Green Band
    165# Cleans (~85% 1RM)
    HSPU Mod: did them w/ my feet on the Tire


  3. 203# DL
    123# cleans
    Ring rows and push-ups instead of MU and HSPU

  4. White Ape says

    RX Baby!!!

    Finally able to perform this Rx!
    3 round was dramatically different than first 2

  5. darrenandtara says

    DL – 163# Clean – 83#
    Mods. PLU and dips. 2 ab mats on HSPU.

    DL – 300# Clean – 190#
    MU and HSPU Rx.

    Lost it on the last round. Lots of failures. Would like to do this again when MU and squat clean form has improved.

  6. 5:13. Mod: 103# DL and 73# clean (because my form sucks), banded PLU with 2-4 kipping PLUs and ring dips for muscle ups, HSPU with ab mats.

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