Monday, 21 April 2014

 MP CrossFit Tulsa 042114


Skill Work:

25 Straight Leg Toes-2-Bar

For Quality



Strength WOD:

Back Squats

5 reps @ 60% 1RM

3 reps @ 70% 1RM

1+ reps @ 80% 1RM



Conditioning WOD:

10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 rep rounds of:

Box Overs 

Kettlebell Push-ups



Flexibility WOD:

Hold middle splits for 2 minutes

20 side leg swings, left

20 side leg swings, right

Hold middle splits for 1 minute

20 side leg swings, left

20 side leg swings, right

Hold middle splits for 2 minutes



Post experience, max load, and time to comments


  1. says

    Back Squat 93#
    Conditioning wodf 6:07

  2. CWOD:
    6:19 w/ 30″ box

  3. SWOD:
    145# at 15 reps

    6:51 Rx with 24inch box with 25pound plate

  4. White Ape says

    Rx, straight leg and stiff was difficult

    12 reps at 285
    felt like I could have got 13; but Jaime and Bradley didn’t want to spot, and I hate dumping off the back. 🙂

    4:47 Rx w/ 30″ box

  5. gwilkins19 says

    SWOD: 7 reps at 190
    CWOD: 5:47 Rx …could have shaved off about 10 more seconds if my shoe didn’t come untied!!

  6. 8 back squats at 160#
    5:50 on CWOD with 24″ box

  7. Balboa60 says

    225 max back squat
    7:03 CWOD
    26″ box

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