Wednesday, 02 April 2014

MP CrossFit Tulsa 040214


“Game on”



Run 600m


Now complete 3 rounds of:

3 Snatches (125/83)

6 Box Jumps (37/30″)

9 Burpees


Next perform:

75 Double Unders


Followed by 3 rounds of:

12 Toes-2-Bar

15 V-ups

18 Grasshoppers



Run 600m


For Time



Post time to comments

Compare to Monday, 08 April 2013


  1. 29:11

    500m RUN

    53# snatch x3
    16″ box jumps x6
    Burpees x9

    Knee up x12
    V ups/ half tacos x15
    Grasshopper x18

    700m RUN

  2. Thanks for letting me crash 6:30 crew!

    26:16 rx

    I have not missed that hill. I can def tell I haven’t done it in a while.

  3. Balboa60 says

    MOD – 30″ Box Jumps
    (everything else was RX)
    hill….grasshoppers….ugh 🙂

  4. White Ape says

    Holy poop! First tempo 5K of the year at Lafortune…SUCKED!! Legs felt like tree trucks pounding the ground.

  5. 28:04

  6. 25:27 Rx definitely have some flexibility issues with new grasshopper standards!

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