Monday, 20 January 2014

MP CrossFit Tulsa 012014


Strength WOD:


5-5-5-5-5 @60% 1RM

For Quality



Conditioning WOD:

“Late night”

7 Strict Pull-ups

14 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (53/35)

21 Double Unders


3 rounds for time



Post lift experience, weight used, and time to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says

    4 sets of 5 @ 245
    1 set of 7 @ 245


  2. 5×5 @ 163
    7:45 Rx
    Fun WODN with Patrice. You rock!

  3. Balboa60 says

    4 sets of 5 @ 185
    1 set of 12 @ 185

    8:47 (Rds 1 and 1/2 of Rd 2 was RX) the remainder of the WOD I used the blue band for strict PLU)

    Great WOD!! Good seeing Coach Becky and Christian!

  4. 4:47 RX
    6:52 w/ 25 Burpees

  5. White Ape says

    5 x 5 @ 305

    4:14 Rx (w/ Burpees)

  6. gwilkins19 says

    5X5 @ 205#
    7:04 (w/ Burpees) Rx

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