Saturday, 16 November 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 111613


Strength WOD:

Back Squat


(30 minute time cap)




Speed WOD:

With a continuous running clock, perform the following every minute on the minute. Add 1 rep of each every minute until unable to complete within the minute.



Hang Cleans

Shoulder to Overhead


*weight to use is 50-60% of your 1RM Shoulder Press



Post max load on Back Squat, weight used and last successful minute and extra reps to comments


  1. 178 BS
    12 full rounds at 60%

  2. Christian Steichen says

    275# BSQ

    @ 90#

  3. beckyedwards says

    173 bc sq (20lb PR)\

    Completed minute 9 @ 53lbs (50% of 1rm sp)

    Fun Saturday class!

  4. beckyedwards says

    Posting for Ape: 345lb back sq (10 lb PR)

    Finished through minute 10 plus 21 reps @ 105

  5. 200# back sq cool!
    8 rds plus everything but one shoulder to overhead. That means too much resting

  6. 115 Back Squat…Baby weight!

    13 rounds. @ 42 Lbs – 58% of 1 RM.

  7. 65# on WOD

  8. 225 lbs


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