Wednesday, 25 September 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 092513


Strength WOD:

Clean (15 minute cap)

Warm-up 10, 8, 6 gradually increasing weight, then

5 reps @ 40% 1 RM

5 reps @ 50% 1 RM

5 reps @ 60% 1 RM



 Conditioning WOD:


“Love Hurts”


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Power Cleans to Overhead (115/73)

10 Pistols, alternating

50 Speed Skips




Complete, as a 3-4 person team, row for max calories in 10 minutes

Switch team member every 25 calories




Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Muscle-ups, Bar or Rings

10 Grasshoppers

15 Slammers (12/8)



Post weights used, total number of rounds and extra reps for each AMRAP and calories from team row to comments

Compare to Saturday, 16 February 2013


  1. Christian Steichen says

    5+36 Rx
    150 Calories
    2+17 Rx

  2. 4+14
    70# C&J
    Pistols w/purple band

    174 Calories w/Robert, Barry, John

    Ring Dips (mix of banded and rx) and Ring Rows for MU

  3. 5+5 banded pistols
    159 Calories
    3+1 RX

  4. 3 rds
    3 rds

  5. Clean: 85, 100 & 120

    4+6 (banded pistols)
    165 Calories
    3+1 (7C2B + 7Box Dips in place of MU’s)

  6. 5+15 (used pole to balance on pistols)
    160 Calories
    3+3 (green band muscle-ups)

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