Friday, 30 August 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 083013

There will not be a 0845 class on Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience. 


“Not Afraid”


600m Run

50 V-ups

400m Row

30 Snatches (95/63)

200m Run

10 Clean and Jerk (155/103)


For Time



Post time to comments


  1. 19:24 RX

  2. 21:17 Rx

  3. 15:30 MOD

    53# Snatch
    63# Clean and Jerk

  4. 19.46 Rx master (53# snatch/83# C&J)

    though my C&J looked like C&PP…it’s all good. I got the weight overhead. 😉

  5. says

    53# snatches
    53# clean and Jerk

  6. Ethan Dennis says

    75#, 95#

  7. dscroggins says

    22:39 rx

  8. 14:59 Rx

  9. 16:39 RX Masters

  10. 20:24 145 pound clean

  11. aragsdale says

    17:13 RX

  12. White Ape says

    17:58 Rx+ (225 C &J)

    225 is 90% of my 1-rep. I calculated it incorrectly for the WOD. Doing that 10 times at the end of this WOD was rough. I did have 1 failed rep. 🙁

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