Wednesday, 14 August 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 081413

Attention MPCF ladies! The CrossFit Girls Night Out at T-Town is Thursday at 6:30pm (not 5:30). A group will be leaving from MPCF at 1800. Contact Becky for more details.


“Wicked Wednesday”


10 Power Cleans (155/103)

20 Burpee Box Overs (20/16″)*

30 High-Lows*

400m Run


4 rounds for time



Post time to comments



Rx Burpee Box Overs require feet not to touch the box. Box must be cleared in order to count as Rx.

High-Lows start in the up push-up plank. Lower body down to low plank with both forearms on the ground. and then return to the up position to finish the rep. Perform 15 lowering in one direction, and 15 lowering in the other.


  1. 30 min AMRAP
    3 Rds + 3 PC

  2. 3 Rnds + 60 Reps + 75 meters (1 rep?)
    65# PC
    12″ Burpee Box-Overs

    Appropriately Named!! Great Wod!

  3. dscroggins says

    3 RDS + 2 PC’s
    mod was 135 PC

  4. Ethan Dennis says

    30 minute cap
    3 rds
    93 # Clean

  5. Balboa60 says

    30min AMRAP
    mod: 115# Power Clean
    *i’m allergic to burpee box overs…just saying

  6. 3rds + 5PC reps
    RX – Masters

  7. hgreen0611 says

    3 rounds modified with 53# power cleans 30:52

  8. says

    3 rds +32
    62# power clean

  9. 3 rds + 10 pc 19 box overs in time cap Rx
    finished in 34:38

  10. 24:58

    15 GHD SU
    20 box overs 16 inch box
    600m run
    4 rds

  11. aragsdale says

    3 Rds 60 Reps. 145# PC

  12. White Ape says

    30:27 Rx

    That WOD was ROUGH!!!
    Didn’t hear coach Becky call time to know exactly where I was at the cap; but I did complete it in the 30:27.

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