Wednesday, 10 July 2013

MP CrossFit Tulsa 071013

Happy Birthday to Jana, Danny, and Patrice!




200m Run

30 Shoulder Touches

40 Double Unders

300m Row

20 Slammers (12/8)


4 rounds


Rest exactly 3 minutes


60 Burpees



For Time




Post total time to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says

    Happy Birthday!!!
    Today is a forced rest day for me.
    I’ll do it tomorrow. 😉

  2. runnergirl says

    Happy Birthday Patrice, Jana, and Danny!

    32:51 shoulder touch on tires

  3. says

    Happy Birthday Jana Danny & Patrice ! Hope it’s a great day and year!

  4. Happy Birthday Danny and Patrice!

    29:29 rx (huh funny same as my age) 🙂

    I was doing good until I hit those silly burpees!

    thanks for the new B-day Wod Coach Jimmy!

  5. schumer says

    33:15 Rx

  6. Balboa60 says

    MOD – (walk-up hand stand shoulder touches)
    HBD Danny, Jana & Patrice!!!

  7. dgreen says

    35: something
    Burpees were brutal
    First muscle up x 2

  8. 31:16
    did the first round RX, then turned around and faced the wall for shoulder touches.

  9. White Ape says

    I did:
    Hang Squat Cleans

    Then EMOM
    Hang Power Cleans @ 135
    got 14 +10

    Grip worn out!

  10. jboone says

    modification – walk up handstand on shoulder touches

  11. aragsdale says

    Happy Birthday you guys!

    26:00 RX

  12. hgreen0611 says

    35:07 modified handstand push ups and double unders 3:1

  13. 29:36 Rx

  14. beckyedwards says

    Took a rest day. Too much joy on back squatting and rope climbing this week!

    Happy Birthday Jana, Danny and Patrice!!

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