Saturday, 29 June 2013


“Do Work”

10-15-20-15-10 rep rounds of:

Shoulder to Overhead (125/83)

Box Overs (24/20″)

Ring Dips

Toes to Bar

Weighted Walking Overhead Lunges (35/25)

Run 200m after each round


For Time




Post time to comments





  1. Crippler to 400 meter mark weighted vest
    1 mile run weighted vest
    50 squats with vest
    30 GHD sit ups (no vest)
    30 GHD back ext (no vest)
    1 mile run weighted vest

  2. 37:13 Rx
    That was a tough one.

  3. RhondaG says

    33:24 (I think)..
    65# S2OH
    Ring dip with 2 purple bands
    Walking Lunges – No weight

    Even modified that was harder than it looked!

  4. beckyedwards says


    I’m with Rhonda. That was deceiving.

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