Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Register 2013 CrossFit Games, Click Here


Partner WOD

“It’s a calling, it’s a gift”


Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:

10 meters Burpee Broad Jumps

2 Snatches (115/73)

4 Lateral Bar Jumps

10 meters Burpee Broad Jumps

…now tag out with partner, and they do a round



Post total number of rounds and extra reps to comments



Snatches are squat snatches. One partner does 1 full round, and then the other is tagged and performs another full round. Lateral jumps are: 1 jump to both sides equals 1, e.g. left/right = 1.


  1. Christian Steichen says

    21 rds
    + 11 reps

  2. 21rds +6

    with Ms. Rhonda

  3. 21 + 6 reps
    30# snatch
    w/ the awesome Jana

  4. runnergirl says

    22rds +9 reps
    Partner with John
    Great job!

  5. 22rds +9 reps
    Partner with Vicky
    Great job!

  6. beckyedwards says

    28 rounds RX

    with Jimmy

    goodness my legs are tired!

  7. White Ape says

    28 rounds Rx w/ Becky

    Fun WOD! My legs feel great!

  8. 25 + 5 with Chad E.


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