Saturday, November 10, 2012

1-minute max rep box jumps (24/20″)

Rest 2 minutes

1-minute max rep push-ups

Rest 2 minutes

1-minute max rep sit-ups

Rest 2 minutes

1-minute max rep pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes

1-min row for calories

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 13 NOV 10


  1. 196 24″ box jumps
    1 min of 30″ box jumps with Becky. Only got 7 and fell on the floor to boot!
    also jumped onto the 3″ box with a 25# and 10# plate. I think it was 34″ or so.

  2. Coach Jimmy says

    277 Rx+
    Added double Unders at the last minute, and I did 30″ box jumps for the 1 minute.

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