Monday, 24 September 2012

“The Odd WOD”


Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:

5 Handstand Push-ups

7 V-ups

9 Push Press (75/50)

11 Lateral Jumps over the bar



Post number of completed rounds and extra reps to comments

Compare to 20 JUL 12



Weekly Form Focus:

Push Press


  1. 10 rds + 17 reps
    30 in box hspu

  2. 11 Rounds + 7 Reps – MOD
    HSPU – Toes on Ledge
    45# Push Press

  3. 9 Rds + 5 HSPU + 7 V Ups + 7 push presses

  4. 10 rounds + 3 reps – MOD
    24″ HSPU

  5. 11 rds + 17 reps rx
    almost 2 round pr. Last time we did the bike test first, though

  6. lisettecoston says

    10 rounds + 8 reps, 45#, 24″ Box Mod HSPU

  7. 9 rounds + 12 reps. PP 45#, 24″ HSPU, army rowers.

  8. beckyedwards says

    12 rds plus 2 reps rx

  9. 12rds+20reps
    Mod HSPU toes on ledge.
    V-ups were not pretty more like hands to shins rather then toes 🙁

  10. Coach Jimmy says

    17 rds +4 reps Rx

    I am mad at myself!! I did not post last time, so I have no idea how I did in comparison. Ugh!!
    But I felt like I did well. Strong work everyone!!

  11. 9+3

  12. 8.5 rounds, 18 inch HSPU, bar only for push press

  13. Ethan Dennis says

    All Rx’d except 45 lb push press

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