Saturday, 11 August 2012

Tough Mudder Practice:

Meeting at LaFortune at 0700, Group run 5k

South end of main golf course parking lot




Main WOD:

(Normal class time, 0900)


Reverse “Annie”

10-20-30-40-50 rep rounds of:

Double Unders



For Time



Post time to comments

Compare to 07 MAY 12





Choose two sports:

Run, Row, Bike, Swim


8 x 40 sec on, 20 sec off

(each sport)


Post sports and sprint times to comments


  1. Ethan Dennis says

    8:50 RX

  2. Weather was amazing wish I could have run laFortune with you guys!
    10:22 rx

  3. beckyedwards says

    Nascar @ LaFortune w/ Erin, Jaime, Brent, Ethan & Vickie. I think Erin said it was around 42 min??

    wod time: 8:48 mod: got du for 10 & 20, then mixed du & singles for 30 and singles for 40 & 50. Making progress!

    ran the big hill for one mile

    Jimmy, Robert, Danny, Nathan, Christian, & Rhonda….missed you guys this morning! We got great looks from people (Robert….I’m sure they were admiring what an awesome group of specimens we are hahaha). Can’t imagine the looks if we would’ve have the entire crew there!

  4. Coach Jimmy says

    Ran 3.5 miles at Turkey Mountain with my Army guys on Sunday am.
    Introduced them to team trail running. They had a good time, but were worn out! 🙂

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