Tuesday, 07 August 2012

Main WOD:

Row 750m


7 rounds for time of:

7 Handstand Push-ups

14 Sit-ups (unanchored)

21 Double Unders


Row 750m



Post time to comments

Compare to 28 FEB 12





Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim


7 x 3 minutes on, 2 minutes off


Post distance covered to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says


  2. beckyedwards says

    CFE swim w/ Jimmy 625m

    21:56 main wod

    mod: mainly singles with some du’s.

    Very weird going from swimming to the wod. My legs were super tired & not cooperating with the rower or the jump rope!! 🙂

  3. ErinFaith says

    Did it after spin at noon today
    18:30 with knees on 30″ box for hspu

  4. Coach Jimmy says

    Swim CFE w/Becky: 1050 meters

    Followed by the main WOD: 15:44 Rx
    Even after the swim CFE, that is a PR by 16 seconds!

    I agree Becky, after the CFE, legs were toast.

  5. Ethan Dennis says

    w/ 30 HSPU RX

  6. dscroggins says

    24:31 RX

  7. 18:06 Rx–6 minute PR! The kipping HSPU are coming along.

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