Monday, 09 July 2012



500m Row



Rest 5 minutes


Main WOD:

3 rounds for time:

10 Squat Cleans (155/105)

Run 400m


Rest 2 minutes



Row max distance in same time as “Buy-In” row



Post row and main WOD times, and row distance to comments

Compare main WOD to 28 JUL 09


  1. Coach Jimmy says

    500m Row: 1:31.1, not a PR. Tried a different technique that did not work.
    WOD: 13:46 Rx
    1:31 Row: 462m

    Exhausting WOD! Body smoked for the last row, after the first row and WOD.

    Congrats to Jim Lea for his 1:24.9 500m row!

  2. 2:05.2 first row
    25:30 WOD with 53″ SC (I think the bar was 33#)
    445 meters last row.
    I’m toast!!

  3. beckyedwards says

    2:03 row PR for me!

    WOD: 12:05 Mod 55# squat cleans

    Rowed 459 for sell-out

    Legs are pretty tired!

  4. Tough WOD…ahhh, my legs!

    Buy-In Row = 1:53 for a new PR!! And that moves me up on the board, too! Yippee!
    WOD @ 65# = 18:09
    Sell-Out Row = 463m

  5. Ethan Dennis says


  6. Christian Steichen says

    1:35.3 500m 
    18:14 wod
    @145 first round
    @115 2nd and 3rd round
    409 last row

  7. 1:58 500m
    15:23 Wod MOD 85# SQC
    463m Row

    Hope I did my math right 🙂

  8. Robert says

    1:41 Row
    17:23 135 lbs
    464 m

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